Alexandra Skrivanek
Program Scientist
Dr. Alexandra (Lexa) Skrivanek is a Program Scientist at Schmidt Sciences. In this role, Lexa is working across multiple scientific programs, with a particular focus on ocean and climate science related initiatives, to identify and support innovative research, technologies, and people addressing pressing global challenges.
Lexa is an earth scientist with ~ 10 years of research and outreach experience in the areas of paleoceanography and paleoclimate. Recently, she served as an Associate Program Officer on the Ocean Studies Board of The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. There, she served as the Director of the study on Wind Turbine Generator Impacts to Marine Vessel Radar, and the study on Data and Management Strategies for Recreational Fisheries with Annual Catch Limits. She also served as interim director of the standing Committee on Offshore Science and Assessment, and supported studies evaluating Coast Guard Authorities and NSF’s Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change program. As a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, Lexa’s research focused on gathering and assimilating evidence preserved in ancient Caribbean coral reefs for the response of sea level and ice sheets to a past warm climate, with the aim to improve model projections of future changes. She also developed outreach activities with technological integration to support evidence-based discussions on ocean science. Lexa transitioned from research to policy in 2020 via the NOAA Sea Grant John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship program, through which she was selected to serve as a policy analyst in the Office of the Deputy NOAA Administrator in Washington, D.C. There, she supported NOAA leadership by advancing initiatives regarding coral reef health and marine protected areas, and serving as the Executive Secretary of the NOAA Blue Economy Executive Committee.
Lexa holds a Bachelor’s degree in Earth & Environmental Sciences with minors in Museum Studies and Oceanography from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Florida.