Humanities and AI Virtual Institute
Supporting innovative research that integrates AI with the humanities
Schmidt Sciences, a philanthropic initiative created and funded by Eric and Wendy Schmidt, is launching a new program to support research at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the humanities. The intended outcome of Humanities and AI Virtual Institute (HAVI) is to advance the scholarship being undertaken in the humanities through the use of AI-based technology for research.
The open call for full proposals will be released on our website in early 2025. Strong projects will both push AI and humanities scholarship forward. Additional proposals will be solicited via direct invitation.
We will invite individual researchers, research teams, research institutions and multi-institution collaborations in universities, national laboratories, institutes, non-profit research organizations or agencies to apply. There is no requirement to include U.S.-based institutions. Multi-institutional research consortiums, with regional and global partnerships are encouraged.
Contact Information Form
If you would like to be notified about upcoming funding opportunities and keep up to date with programmatic developments, please complete the form linked below.

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